Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Ready To Friday: Mommy And Daddy Edition
Thanks for joining me again for yet another Friday. I assume you're Ready. Have a seat this way, the weekend is about to start.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Ready To Friday: Understand Everything Edition
This last week has been ultimately positive, yet stuck in a quagmire of poor health. Which is better than being negative during a spout of good health, I think.
So condescend to me for a moment as I get back up to speed. It'll take me a bit, so forgive the hiccups.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Ready To Friday: No Recourse Edition
Fuck it, I went to go see "The Social Network" last night instead of finishing this post.
I regret nothing except for the fact that the movie was sold out and I never got to see it.
I could talk about how that bodes well for the success of a movie that I feel deserves attention (I haven't watched it, but it's David Fincher, come on) despite it not, on the surface, seeming like the kind of movie many people want to see – but I'm still reeling from how hard karma got me.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
You Better Be Ready To Friday: Hefty Edition
If you weren't ready to Friday last week - I know why that was, and I know who is to blame.
As the story goes, if you're going to post something online, you better double check yourself. I didn't do that last Friday. I thought I did, but instead of going online, in my haste, the catalogue of information was lost to the abyss. By my own standards, I always work with a text file copy, but it wasn't until the weekend was over until I was alerted to the absence of Readiness.
Mea culpa.
Literacy declined. Chaos reigned in the streets. An entire weekend went to waste. In light of what happened, I will hold myself to a higher penalty for failure. Though most of you have likely already lost faith in the process, I assure you quality will come before all else.
Now, if you'll prepare yourselves.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A Learning Experience - 9.7.2010
Respect age, intelligence, kindness, style – in that order, at all times.
Do not respect money, power, fame, ripped jeans – if nothing else is available.
Nostalgia gives off a distinct impression. Done correctly, it's engaging and exciting. Done incorrectly, it's deeply offensive.
No matter how hard you try, the hat isn't coming back in style (doesn't mean you can't wear one though).
But do take your hat off indoors, that's just ridiculous.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Scott Pilgrim & Rob Gordon vs. The World
Maybe I'm getting too old, or maybe my proclivities have aged faster than my body has. There should probably be some reasonable explanation for why I can't manage to relate to any of the trendy characters in the film Scott Pilgrim vs The World (based off of a comic by Brian O'Malley). The whole movie operates under the conceit that the main character, Scott Pilgrim, contextualizes his world through the filter of video game principles and logic. I like video games. I don't like Scott. At least, that's the impression that I have after seeing the movie for a second time. I don't really hate him, though. The character isn't nearly as repellent to me on screen as he was in the comic. This might have been a reaction to how much better the narrative worked as a film as opposed to its meandering, sloppy origins. But I decided on a different explanation that I think covers both my distaste regarding Pilgrim himself, and how the cast of snarky, tragically-hip characters couldn't draw in this one out-of-touch audience member, among its many young fans.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Ready To Friday: Cold Desserts Edition
Sometimes the week after your entire town loses the internet for a day, you move into your new apartment and can't get the internet working there either. That's just about all I can say about that.
It's hot. I'm exhausted. And there is no time to be bored.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Ready To Friday: Wait For It Edition
Sorry for the late post. Someone literally broke the internet in my town. Literally.
As the Fall term draws nearer every day, I have started to count upon the many things I'm anticipating outside of the scheduled educational process (not that there's anything wrong with that). And while change is inevitable, I'm not waiting with bated breath for what becomes of the status quo. I get more pleasure out of the path it takes to get to those ends. Maybe some of you can articulate a better real life comparison, like an analogy.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Ready To Friday: No More Narration Edition
It's August in the city and that's alright with me. It's been a week of brand new experiences involving Bryan Adams, heavy lifting, intense heat and thunderstorms. Luckily for me, when I really need something to go my way, it does so with little persuasion on my part, but that luck, like me in many ways, comes at the last minute. Consider me spoiled rotten.
No matter what the weekend brings, I'd still be satisfied with banality. But I don't think I've got much of that to look forward to just yet.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Ready To Friday: Holster Up My Guns Edition
Resolution is coming down and closing up the remainder of July. That's alright with me, seeing as I'm more than ready for mid-August, myself. And I'm charmed to see so much activity come to a satisfying conclusion. That goes for more than just this damned heat, too. I'm just glad to see summer finally paying off.
But I get the feeling this isn't a unanimous feeling at the moment. That's distressing and I don't really know what I can do, except introduce you to the weekend. I'm here for you too, so keep your chin up.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Ready To Friday: Angry Dudes Edition
There are plenty of reasons to be pumped for this weekend. Unfortunately I can't really express them all that well right now thanks to a chronic degenerative disease I'm inflicted with - it's called fatigue. Ha Ha Ha. You're all too much, really. Though if you didn't like that, I stand by my belief that he was always better with words. Especially when it comes to words.
That said, one reason for my weekend excitement stems from the television show Mad Men starting its fourth season this Sunday. But as excited as I am for the show itself, I'm starting to get picky about all the rumbling going on building up to the date. Sometimes enough is enough.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A Learning Experience - 7.20.2010
Leave your shoes by the door.
Your survival is not based on your endurance; only your happiness is.
Your glare needs work.
Your smile is perfect.
Don't ask us if we're jealous; we are.
How much you like people that remind you of yourself is relative to your self-esteem. The more you have, the more you want something different.
Don't talk dirt about people you also spend time with, those listening will assume you do the same about them.
Ask for help like you mean it – and then mean it.
Everybody has their own white noise that comforts them.
Read enough recipes by the time you're twenty-two so that you're able to improvise yourself out of any food related emergency.
At some point in your life, you should listen to one whole Bob Dylan record and genuinely like it.
Be able to tell a story – on command or without.
Rules aren't actually made to be broken.
Still, there is a time and place where everything you've been taught will not apply. Being wise means recognizing the moment, and sailing through it.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Ready To Friday: Pizza Day Edition

I'm all dizzy with anticipation over here. I'm seriously tripping the light fantastic. But it's introverted and all quiet like. The results of which will become obvious soon. Sooner than you'd think. And that would be really exciting if I had given you any hint of what to expect.
Mum. And that's final. Too much grease, too little time.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Ready To Friday: Alotta Dollars Edition

You'd be surprised how short the week feels when you sleep during the hours of 8 AM to 4 PM every day. Which has made me think that it was a slow news week on the way to this Friday, but really, I might have just missed everything exciting this week. I hate sleeping in and waking up to Glenn Beck claiming divine providence for his rally taking place on the same date as Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech. What a pain that is.
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