Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Ready To Friday: Cold Desserts Edition

Sometimes the week after your entire town loses the internet for a day, you move into your new apartment and can't get the internet working there either. That's just about all I can say about that.

It's hot. I'm exhausted. And there is no time to be bored.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ready To Friday: Wait For It Edition

Sorry for the late post. Someone literally broke the internet in my town. Literally.

As the Fall term draws nearer every day, I have started to count upon the many things I'm anticipating outside of the scheduled educational process (not that there's anything wrong with that). And while change is inevitable, I'm not waiting with bated breath for what becomes of the status quo. I get more pleasure out of the path it takes to get to those ends. Maybe some of you can articulate a better real life comparison, like an analogy.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ready To Friday: No More Narration Edition

It's August in the city and that's alright with me. It's been a week of brand new experiences involving Bryan Adams, heavy lifting, intense heat and thunderstorms. Luckily for me, when I really need something to go my way, it does so with little persuasion on my part, but that luck, like me in many ways, comes at the last minute. Consider me spoiled rotten.

No matter what the weekend brings, I'd still be satisfied with banality. But I don't think I've got much of that to look forward to just yet.