Friday, April 9, 2010

Ready To Friday: First Edition

Ready To Friday

This is not about me being a blowhard. This one's for you. Taking into account our weekly stress and increasing worldly menace, most of us may not have the time to seek out sufficient quantities of  lifestyle. That's where I come in. Let me be your personal valet of current obsession.
To be unambiguous, I'm going to use this platform to promote weekly interests of mine to improve your outlook heading into the weekend, every weekend. So check back every Friday to get your recommended dose of culture.

What does "Ready To Friday" mean?

"Ready to Friday" is a term that originated midway during fall semester of 2009 that I would use to indicate that I had completed any and all requirements (e.g. classes) that stood between myself and weekend activities. Usually exclaimed loudly as an accomplishment: "Done with classes today, I'm ready to Friday!"

The Edit

These here are the specific interests and perks of the weekly adventuring. Everything from tunes to articles or almost-lost files can be found below. Hopefully some of it will be recent, whereas some of it will be less so. But all of it I think is worth sharing with you; which is my gamble that you'll like it as much as I did.

  • Murder in the City - The Avett Brothers
    Every now and then, I run into a song or an album from a few years back that I feel an overwhelming amount of guilt for overlooking for so long. A tune from the 2008 album, The Second Gleam, Murder in the City might be one of the most perfect songs that I never listened to. Don't pass this one up.
  • J.Crew Fall 2010 Mens Collection
    J.Crew has previewed their fall menswear for everyone to see, and I'm seeing a lot of lightweight ties and narrow lappels. Also, this guy.
  • Anthony Burch previewed Jason Roher's new indie game Sleep Is Death as both the Player and the Controller. Incredibly cool game from the creator of Passage to be released this April. Check it out.
  • Step Up 3D is a thing that is happening. Channing Tatum was unavailable for comment.
  • If your living space could stand to be more attractive (which I'd wager know it can) and if you have any extra cash lying around (which I'd wager you don't), I'd suggest that you invest in some of these Reproduction Bulbs. They won't light your place for surgery, but who cares? Ditch the lamp shades and the fluorescents for a striking Edison-era bulb.
  • And if you're at all interested in the state of the country since the election of Barak Obama, and if you like graphs, let me direct you to a break down of the shifts in the economy, courtesy of Washington Post. This really should be relevant to everyone, I'd assume.

Tumblr that Mattr

Assuming you scour the minimal blog oasis less than I do, here are my picks for the most bizarre, relevant and clever Tumblrs on the web. Satisfaction is not guaranteed.

  • Racing Like A Pro is one of those strange, unknown quantities that mixes great fashion, stylish finds, progressive music scenes and women-folk. It's hard not to suggest this one for everything it's showing off.
  • I would hope that you've already been following 1001 Rules for my Unborn Son, but if you haven't, I won't tell anyone I sent you there. Now you can begin properly lamenting how poorly your father raised you.
  • Do you remember where you were the last time I told you to check out Selleck Waterfall Sandwich? Well why don't you do it again, right now.

English Language of the Week:

This segment is based around my personal love of the modern english language, where, each week, I'll nominate my favorite phrase, sentence or paragraph that I have personally heard spoken in that time. Say what you will about the elegance of old english and how stripped down our patterns of speech have become. I think those of us who are educated have been given the gift of beautiful brevity being in vogue. We've traded the sonnet for the haiku.
Which leads me to this week's nomination:
Life is so unreal.
People think behind their eyes,
just like me.
So close.

On Your Way Out

In closing, I don't have much to say this week, on account of the fact this is the first of (hopefully) many entries. All I can really say is thanks for reading and expect better things to come in the future.

Oh, and if things felt a little stretched this week, it's because the launch was supposed to be last week, so I was pulling some scraps from the discard pile. Won't happen again - I promise.


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