Friday, June 25, 2010

Ready To Friday: Alotta Dollars Edition

You'd be surprised how short the week feels when you sleep during the hours of 8 AM to 4 PM every day. Which has made me think that it was a slow news week on the way to this Friday, but really, I might have just missed everything exciting this week. I hate sleeping in and waking up to Glenn Beck claiming divine providence for his rally taking place on the same date as Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech. What a pain that is.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ready To Friday: It's Been Real Edition

This week has been a real show-stopper. I'm not really going to go on about myself through these things, but you wouldn't believe the kind of things a person will go through only to be whisked away by fate and luck alone. Remember folks, the world works in unpredictable ways, unless it always happens the same way. I don't want to lean on luck, but it's so reliable. So good.

Changing the subject, how's your weekend looking to be? I can tell you this, it's not going to be anything like this.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ready To Friday: Get Your Weekend On Edition

I'm on the road again. I couldn't wait to get on the road again. I swapped cities today for more northern climates. The change is imperceptible, but it ate up most of my time. My weekend is starting a little late, so I apologize for the tardiness.

Without further delay let's get the ball rolling, or however they say that 'round these parts.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ready To Friday: I Just Started A Blog Edition

Ready To Friday

 It's the first week(end) of June. Patrick Stewart was knighted and Dennis Hopper is dead.  I don't have much else to say about that. Further weekly insight will follow. Hopefully no one else from the cast of Super Mario Bros has died.