Ready To Friday
It's the first week(end) of June. Patrick Stewart was knighted and Dennis Hopper is dead. I don't have much else to say about that. Further weekly insight will follow. Hopefully no one else from the cast of Super Mario Bros has died.
The Edit
These here are the specific interests and perks of the weekly adventuring. Everything from tunes to articles or almost-lost files can be found below. Hopefully some of it will be recent, whereas some of it will be less so. But all of it I think is worth sharing with you; which is my gamble that you'll like it as much as I did.
- Here's something you may not have known about June: it's LGBT Month. You may not have known that because it's a recent development. Normally I raise an eyebrow at the idea of devoting a month to the appreciation of a single group, but there's an appreciable justification for this one, so I'll let it slide. Now I think we should to talk about that flag.
- Here's some genuine terror from Guatemala City. A sinkhole appeared the other day, swallowing up a three story building and a house into what appears to be oblivion itself. I'll save any Gears of War references until the vertigo I'm feeling passes.
- Okay. I'm beginning to get the feeling that the Westboro Babtist Church is just fucking with us. I mean, protesting homosexuality and funerals for soldiers seem almost sane when compared to kind of people who would think this was a good idea.
- Have you ever wondered how big a Yottabyte is? Have any idea what a Yottabyte is? I have an answer for both of those questions. Spoiler: it's huge.
- Another "didjaknow?" moment caught up with me this week with this study that does its best explain the correlation between creative individuals and mental illnesses, specifically schizophrenia. I'll save the more complicated scientific relationships for the article itself, but in case you're interested in a preview, in the words of Dr. Ullen, "Thinking outside the box might be facilitated by having a somewhat less intact box."
- Now I'm sure we're all aware by now that the MTV Move Awards are the very definition of uselessness. But I'll admit that the marketing for the show this year is infinitely more entertaining than the show has any potential to be – courtesy of Tom Cruise's fantastic new career choice.
- Backyard Bill is a pretty cool website, I think. There you'll find photos and interviews of distinctly stylish individuals. Mostly it's hit or miss depending on your preferences. Though this week, their spot on Jon Paul Phillips has me star-struck. The guy makes it look absolutely effortless.
- Also, for those worried with the direction that motion controls are headed in the video game industry – your concerns are well warranted.
- Lastly, let's check in on what's happening with the Gulf oil spill this week. So Top Kill is not working, despite that we thought it was. We employed some robots with diamond cutters. Not this one, though. What's the next step now that it's spilling faster? Well, let's not do this.
- On that note, you might like this.
Hearing Things
For my own reasons, I've decided to process the music appreciation of my weekly culture bomb into its own section. Hopefully this means you won't miss out on whatever I feel like highlighting here. But it also means it will be much more obvious when I don't have any musical suggestions.
- This week's music suggestion is pretty light. I know I set a pretty high standard early on with all those albums and such, but really, I just want to be able to share musical interests here that are both big and small. Sometimes significant, sometimes a little less so.
So recently I ran across this little cover that I know nothing about to tell you other than how fantastic it is. Guaranteed to make your day go from "okay" to "great" or your money back.
Tumblr that Mattr
Assuming you scour the minimal blog oasis less than I do, here are my picks for the most bizarre, relevant and clever Tumblrs on the web. Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
- This one is not something you'd probably care to follow, but a damn good way to waste an evening or two by yourself or with friends. Assuming you have any of those resources. It's called Name That Film, and the game is to identify a movie based on a single frame. It's more challenging than it sounds and wildly rewarding.
On Your Way Out
This week was a little morbid for my tastes, so I'm a little burnt out and thusly unable to add any sparkling personality to this entry. That, and there was no Language of the Week this time around, and that's disappointing.
All bummers aside, go on and have a great weekend. If you're in Columbus you have quite a few options to choose from. I'm game for as many as I can work in, myself. But wherever you are, have a good time, and I'll see you next time.
PS. What if?
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